fixes healthcare ... plain & simple.
HR Professionals
Be a hero!
Give employees
The Highest Quality Access to Care
in the World.
No more doctor bills.
Specialists & primary care
(Hospital too, in Northeastern MO):
No co-pays
No deductibles
No co-insurance percentages
No hoops. No hurdles.
No referrals
No pre-approvals
No exclusions of pre-existing conditions
No confusion. No avalanche of paperwork. No fighting.
CARE in America puts the care back into healthcare.
... A complete solution that also lowers your payroll contribution on average 20% - 40%.
CARE in America fixes healthcare. Plain & simple.
Finally! Your broker can give you the plan you've always wanted.
If you have a preferred broker, we'll reach out. If not, we'll give you an expert broker.